Minister of Education: Development of vocational education contributes to elimination of unemployment

"In the modern period, when the importance of human capital is growing and there is high competition, recognition of skills and competence acquired by non-formal and informal methods for the development of individuals, society and the economy are of great importance," Education Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said.

The Minister was speaking at a conference on the theme "Recognition of competence acquired by non-formal and informal methods".

According to him, such recognition of skills and the obligation of a document confirming henceforth vocational education for those who wish to enter the labor market will lead to a significant increase in interest in vocational education and directly on employment.

The Minister noted that the development of vocational education contributes to the formation of human capital, ensuring employment among youth, elimination of unemployment.

Bayramov added that the working group, including representatives of relevant state structures, entrepreneurs, employers' organizations, local and foreign experts, prepared the “Examination rules for the purpose of evaluating and recognizing the knowledge, skills, competence and experience of citizens, received by non-formal and informal forms of vocational education, and issuing them a document confirming vocational education."