Now Asan Imza certificates can be renewed at Azercell

Since the service is active for a 3-year period, the certificates of Asan İmza, as well as cell numbers used for this service must be updated by the present time.
It was told in the press service of Azercell. it is required to extend the service lifetime for next three years and update the mobile ID certificates in order to continue to benefit from Asan İmza.
In order to extend the service lifetime, Azercell subscribers are required to apply customer service centers, as well as Azercell Express offices. As usual, Azercell offers an easy procedure to do this. Thus, the owner of Asan İmza needs to provide his/her ID card at the service points and obtain SIM card. He/she will instantly join the service again after making the relevant payment. Then, it will be required to contact "ASAN Service" centers or Asan Certificate Services Center at the Ministry of Taxes in order to obtain a new certificate.
Individuals, public servants, and legal and physical entities involved in business activities can obtain the Asan İmza service at AZN 18 for 3 years and cell number at AZN 3.54. SIM card with Asan İmza can operate both with current and new numbers. In addition, not only post-paid subscribers of Azercell, but also pre-paid ones can join Asan İmza service.