​‘Baku Summer Oil School’ project to be realized at BHOS

‘Baku Summer Oil School’ project will be realized at BHOS (Baku Higher Oil School).
It was told in the press service of BHOS, in accordance with the project programme between 14-25 September 2016, students from German universities will visit BHOS in order to join summer school organized by the higher school.
In the frames of ‘Baku Summer Oil School’ programme, students will not only be able to get new knowledge, they will also get a chance to visit picturesque regions, historical sites, museums situated in our country to be closely familiarized with Azerbaijan. They will also visit oil wells, historical oil wells, oil related museums, industrial companies and other places that reflect the oil history of Azerbaijan and its development.
Together with the German students, selected Azerbaijani students will also be involved in the mentioned project.
It should be underlined that ‘Baku Summer Oil School’ project was approved by the selection commission of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with the purpose of further financing in the frames of DAAD ‘Towards East’ programme.
Ayten Shadlinskaya, specialist of BHOS quality assurance department, manages the project.
