Documentary about jazzman Vagif Mustafazade will be presented

Tomorrow, Ministry of Culture and Tourism and BP-Azerbaijan will present "Mənim tanıdığım Vaqif" (Vagif that I know) feature-length documentary, dedicated to virtuoso jazzman Vagif Mustafazade.
According to the ministry, press conference will be held before the show at the Nizami Cinema Center.
The documentary was dedicated to the memory of Vagif Mustafazade, one of Azerbaijan's and world's great jazz masters and founder of new genre of music - jazz-mugam. Some episodes of his life were mentioned in the film and thoughts of other famous musicians about the famous jazz singer recorded.
The film was made on the basis of memories of jazz masters from Russia, Georgia, Estonia, Poland and the United States, which are Vagif Mustafazade's contemporaries, loving and respecting his heritage and personality.