Doctor: Stomach cancer can be treated if revealed in right time

National Oncology Center operates about 200 stomach surgeries in a year.
Senior specialist of Abdominal Oncology department of National Oncology Center Azer Aliyev said.
According to him, during last period stomach cancer cases show downward tendency in all countries, while statistical indicator of disease in Azerbaijan remain unchanged.
The medic underlined bad eating habits as main cause of stomach cancer: “Quick bites, energy drinks, sparkling waters from unknown sources and etc. can be the reason of stomach cancer. At the same time, very spicy food, very hot drinks, alcohol misuse are other factors raising risk of the disease”.
A.Aliyev noted that there isn’t specific clinical program to fight the disease in Azerbaijan.
Doctor said that chemotherapy rarely makes effect in treatment of this disease: “But it is also temporary. Unfortunately, chemotherapy has little effect in treatment of stomach cancer. Insignificant results gained in treatment of this disease all over the world. At present, researches for better results are underway”.
A.Aliyev said that combined treatment approach including various methods is applied as soon as stomach cancer is diagnosed.