Mugham singer Alim Gasimov was guest at BHOS

Worldwide known Azerbaijani mugham singer, People’s Artist of Azerbaijan, holder of the Shohrat Order (Order of Glory) Alim Gasimov visited Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) and participated in the traditional 'Evening With...' event regularly held at BHOS. It was informed in the BHOS press service, members of the master’s family and artists of his folk instruments group also participated in the event.
Prior to the meeting, a video clip about his life and work was demonstrated. Opening the event, BHOS Rector Elmar Gasimov expressed his gratitude to the famous musician for accepting an invitation to visit the Higher School and emphasized that Alim Gasimov is justifiably recognized as a legendary artist of the Azerbaijani culture. The rector told about life and musical career of the outstanding mugham singer. “Alim Gasimov was giving concerts in many countries including Belgium, Brasilia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Iran, Japan, Spain and the USA to introduce Azerbaijani mugham to the world. His contribution towards promotion of our national music and culture in other countries cannot be overestimated,” he said.
Elmar Gasimov reminded that the great khanende (mugham singer) is one of four Azerbaijanis whose names are included into The 500 Most Influential Muslims publication compiled by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre in Amman, Jordan, jointly with Georgetown University in the United States. Speaking about numerous international awards of the famous artist, the Rector noted that an award of International UNESCO Music Prize to Alim Gasimov testified his international recognition as a great singer.
Addressing the audience, Alim Gasimov told that speaking in front BHOS students and teachers was a great honor and big responsibility for him. “I believe that such kind of meetings shall be regularly held in all universities of the country. We artists have devoted our lives to arts and have gained knowledge and experience we would like to transfer to the young generation,” he said.
The eminent musician shared his memories about his youth and student years. He dwelled on his professional growth and challenges in his musical career, his efforts to promote Azerbaijani mugham around the world, and told about his hobbies and interests outside the scene. The great mugham singer answered numerous questions, too.
Then Alim Gasimov and his daughter Farghana who is also a khanende sang mugham and excerpts from Azerbaijani national songs to the accompaniment of the folk instruments group. At the end of the event, the BHOS Rector Elmar Gasimov thanked the great musician for the interesting meeting and presented him BHOS Honorable Guest diploma.