Specialists of SOCAR Midstream Operations LLC trained at Emerson

Specialists of the technical and operational group of SOCAR Midstream Operations LLC participated in the training organized by Emerson Process Management Aberdeen Solution Center.
The training course was conducted by Jim Reekie, Emerson's expert with 35 years of experience in measuring and control systems. Emerson is one of the companies with significant certificates for oil and gas consumption measuring, technical and commercial, environmental and common industrial measurement systems.
During the training, the specialists have gained knowledge and experience on the concepts of gas consumption measuring junctions in the industry, working principles of the measuring junction and audit of the junctions. At the end of the course, the specialists of the technical and operational group of SOCAR Midstream Operations LLC were awarded certificates by Emerson for measurement of gas consumption and audit of metering stations. They have gained knowledge and experience for free implementation of gas consumption measuring and audit at the Gas Metering Stations of the South Caucasus pipeline currently and of the Southern Gas Corridor, including TANAP and TAP pipelines in the future.
