Azerbaijan's Consul General in Los Angeles speaks at Fullerton College of California

On October 16, 2017 the Fullerton College of California hosted a lecture by Azerbaijan’s Consul General in Los Angeles Nasimi Aghayev.
It was informed in the Azerbaijan’s Consulate General in Los Angeles.
After the introductory remarks by Dr. Reza Yeganehshakib, the College’s Dean of Social Sciences Dr. Jorge Gamboa and Chair of History Department Dr. Anu Mande spoke of the importance of educating the younger generation about global affairs and various strategically important regions of the world today, and thanked, in this regard, the Consul General for returning to the College after his initial lecture that took place in 2015.
Then Consul General Aghayev was invited to address the audience of around 100 students of the Fullerton College. In his presentation, the Consul General spoke about Azerbaijan’s rich history, culture, its development since restoring the independence in 1991, its energy strategy, as well as multifaceted relations with the U.S., Europe and neighboring countries.
He also highlighted the long-standing traditions of ethnic and religious tolerance in Azerbaijan, and said in this regard that the Government of Azerbaijan is paying a special attention to strengthening these traditions and fostering the atmosphere of interfaith harmony in the country.
Speaking of Azerbaijan’s experiences as an independent nation, Aghayev highlighted the tremendous role played by Azerbaijan’s late President (1993-2003) and National Leader Heydar Aliyev, whom he characterized as the “Founder of Modern Azerbaijan”.
Highlighting the illegal military occupation of Azerbaijan’s lands by Armenia, Consul General Aghayev spoke about the ethnic cleansing and war crimes carried out by the Armenian army against the Azerbaijani civilian population in the occupied territories. Aghayev noted that the policies pursued by the Armenian government damaged primarily the people of Armenia and jeopardized Armenia’s own future as an independent nation. “As a result of the self-damaging policy of the Armenian leadership, during the last 26 years of its independence Armenia has lost around half of its population, and is now confronted with huge economic problem, remaining heavily dependent on foreign remittances and assistance”, the Consul General said. The diplomat noted that the resolution of the conflict with Armenia could only be achieved once Armenia withdrew its troops from Azerbaijan’s sovereign territory and enabled the forcefully displaced Azerbaijani people to go back to their homes and lands.
The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, during which Consul General Aghayev responded to various questions from the students.