The Institute of Zoology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) is preparing to publish the second volume of the "Red Book" of Azerbaijan, the ANAS Presidium said on August 26.
The Red Book of Azerbaijan is an official state document about the status of rare and endangered wild animals and wild plant species in the country's territory. It contains information on the condition of the animal and plant species, their spread and protection on the whole territory of the country, including Azerbaijan's sector of the Caspian Sea.
The new edition includes an accurate list of international and local endangered species of fauna.
Managing editor of the book is Director of the ANAS Institute of Zoology Ilham Alekperov.
According to him, the second volume records 223 species of fauna, including one species of segmented worm, crustaceous and mollus?s, 74 species of insects, six types of amphibians, 14 species of reptiles, 9 types of fish, 72 types of birds and 42 species of mammals.
The new edition was prepared on account of the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry's funds received from fines imposed by the ministry as well as from a number of international organizations.
The book was compiled in accordance with the March 24, 2006 order of the head of state "On approval of the National Strategy and Action Plan on conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in Azerbaijan."
About 140 species of plants were recorded in the first edition of the Red Book, which was released in 1989. However, it is necessary to develop a new list of the Red Book every 10 years, as the fauna of the country is developing and changing.
The current Red Book consists of six parts, which contains information on rare and endangered 14 mammal species, 36 bird species, 5 species of fish, 13 amphibians and reptile species, 40 insect species and 140 plant species.