Gobustan city
Gobustan region is located to the east from Shamakhi, distance of 101 km from Baku. Relief of Gobustan consists of valleys, ravines, rocks. Spring is beautiful with tulips, chamomile, and buttercup here. A soil cover is various. Soil in east part is grey, brown saline, in northwest – chestnut. Differing from simple view Gobustan has rich plants. 470 types of 4,000 plant types are here. Most are flowering plants. For example, wormwood, celery, adonis, thistle, artichoke, dandelion and etc. Drought-resistant bushes - pomegranate, buckthorn, sucker, fig, corn cockle, dogrose, nightshade and etc. are also grown here. Note that, these bushes adapted to rocks due to feeding on water drops from rains on the rocks. Fauna is poor. Traces of gazelle (Jeyran) remained in names of places (Jeyrankechmez River, Jeyran puddle, Jeyran spring). In due time gazelle and other animals lived here, however later they have died out. At present, there are wolf, jackal, fox, badger, rabbit, various venomous types of reptiles (snake, lizard), hedgehog, tortoise and different types of birds. Climate is semidesert. Generally, its area makes 1,369 km² and was included in Gobustan Administrative Region on April 24, 1990. Area of Gobustan administrative region conforms to area of Maraza administrative region. The area stretches approximately by 51 km from north to south, 45 km from west to east. Administrative region’s area is a mountainous area with complicated relief. For orography it is divided into three parts – plateau, monticulate area and plains. Clay karst has developed in the mountains near Ajidara. Winds, railfalls, mud volcano play important role in forming of Gobustan’s relief. There are Jayirli, Shorsulu, Kolani, Sheykhsarli, Godug giran and etc mud volcano in the region. Besides, the region has different construction materials such as sand, gravel and etc., industrial clays, volcano ashes, gyps end etc. Agriculture is one of the traditional areas. Region supplies its population with grain. Grain is grown in the condition of dry-farming.