Zangilan city
It was founded in 1930. Location is in the southeast of Smaller Caucasus, on left bank of Araz River. It has borders with Armenia in the west and the northwest, Iran Islamic Republic in the south and southeast. The area makes 707 км². The Administrative center is the Zangilan town. This region located in an area where East and the West unite, was one of coordinating points in trade. Proofs of ancient history of region are fortresses, the patrol points, material-cultural monuments and samples which have been found at archeological excavations, ancient coins and household ware. Many graves were found in territory of region at carrying out of agricultural works in 60s (burials have been existed in Azerbaijan since II century BC up to the beginning of our era), and tens of coins concerning IV-II to centuries BC the majority from which has been rapped out in honor of Alexander the Great, indicate that this territory has played an important role in international trade since the most ancient times. As the well-known geographer and the historian of XIV century Hamdullah Gazvini wrote that, Zjangilan was founded in 636 year (in 15th of the beginning of Moslem era from the 16th of June 622). In connection with formation of Hudaferin water knot in the territory of the region, Archaeological department of Institute of history of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences conducted investigations in 1974-1979. It was known during archeological excavations it became known that the territory is rich on archaeological and historical monuments. Ruins of the medieval city known under the name of «Shahri Sharifan» or "Shahri Khalifan" have been found out. The area of the rests of a city makes about 9 hectares. The city is located in the very convenient place from the natural, geographical and strategic viewpoint; from the West it is covered by a mountain chain, from the east – steep river bank of Hakari. It was known that the city settled down on the basic trade road of Southern Caucasus. The first excavation has found out cultural strata here, which gives the grounds to assert that people has lived here since IX century. At the same time, is seems that the city has been based and generated during this period – in IX century. It has existed until XIV-XVII centuries. Excavation and the found archaeological materials specify that the potter's and metalcutting craft has been developed in the city. The special place in the city’s economy was occupied by rice cultivation that is proved by rice storage found in the city. One of architectural monuments is the monument of Shahri-Sharifan located in Sharifan village. Most part of this monument has been destroyed and washed off as a result of a descent lodging in Hakari River. Only the part in which the tomb is located has remained, until our times. Bath complex which has been found out on depth of three meters are interesting, too. It has been constructed mainly from burnt brick in the manner of Nakhchivan-Tabriz architecture, and its premise for water heating, the steam room and washing branch have remained, till now. Zangilan was invaded by Armenian troops in 1993, 29th October.